Election Day ~ November 8th, 2011

Dear Readers: Welcome to my personal blogsite where I share views on a variety of issues affecting our community and society... I will be sharing updates on Campaign Events and other Special Events being held during the course of this campaign season, please watch for these notices. Enjoy your browsing! If you would like to write to me, you may write to: profresnet@aol.com Kind regards, Dr. Ralph Pacheco

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

National Day of Prayer - Whittier City Hall Thursday, May 1 2008 - 5:00 P.M.

Whittier, CA

Thursday, May 1, 2008
5:00 P.M.
Whittier City Hall
Whittier Churches gathering together
to Pray for Our Nation & Community...
Please join me along with other Whittier Area Ministers and Believers as we pray for our Nation & Comunity... Rev. Ralph Pacheco, D.D.

California School Boards Association (CSBA) Comments on Current Budget Crisis and the Republicans Response

Sacramento, CA

Excerpt from 4/29/08 CSBA "Schools State Budget Alert -"

What's Next?
"While we can appreciate the Assembly and Senate Republicans coming together and making education a priority, CSBA believes the minimum funding guarantee must be upheld without manipulations and sleight-of-hand tricks that would have the appearance of fully funding the minimum guarantee while actually reducing funding for schools."
View entire CSBA Schools State Budget Alert see: www.CSBA.org

Whittier Area Churches ~ "SERVE WEEKEND" ~ Prayer & Praise Worship Service.

Prayer & Praise
Worship Service
Thursday May 15 ~ 7:00 P.M.
Calvary Baptist Church
(corner of Newlin & Bailey - Uptown Whittier)
All Pastors, Church Members, encouraged to
"Please come in order to encourage all churches, pastors, and church members
in their efforts to serve our community in the name of Christ.
You have worked so very hard in this walk with our Lord
so please come to thank Him for his guidance and
purposeful hand..."
Blessings from,
Lee & Ellen Hardeman,
"Serve Weekend" Coordinators

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Developing a Superintendent Pipeline ~ Circa 1991

San Francisco, CA

It was a cold brisk morning in December, 1991 when Mrs. Pacheco and I arrived at the San Francisco Marriott (down the street from the Moscone Convention Center), the Host Hotel for the 1991 CSBA Annual Conference.

I was a newly minted school board member, not yet sworn in, when we arrived at the conference. But I was already a "Man with a Mission..."

During the previous 4 years I had served in Sacramento as a Policy Advisor to the CDE on Hispanic Affairs. (Dr. Bill Honig was then State Superintendent of Public Instruction.) and I had served as an elected Member of the Rio Hondo Community College Board of Trustees. K-12 education was not a foreign subject to me.

Upon arriving in San Francisco, I set out to unfold my plan; check in our "Hospitality Suite" at the CSBA Conference Hotel Headquarters, contact my sponsor for the Reception ETS, Educational Testing Services, contact my good friend, the CSBA Conference Chairperson Ms. Louisa Perez, ensure she would be coming to our Hospitality Suite / Reception. And, then proceed to put out the word at the conference that in 48 hours we would be having a "Special Reception" for Prospective School Administrators aspiring to be "Superintendents." Therein laid the plan, establish the "Pipeline" for these school administrators seeking an opportunity to gather together with a group of school board members (decision makers), to introduce themselves to these decision makers, and "Make an Impression" for future (hiring) consideration.

The scene was set, the players arrived, Dr. Frank Alderette, President of the Los Angeles County COE Board of Trustees, Tony Trujillo, then Executive Director of the (forerunner of CALSA) Mexican American Superintendents & Administrators Association, Louisa Perez CSBA Conference Chair, the representatives from ETS... Numerous School Board members present. Along with several "would-be" Superintendents put on display in a casual and friendly setting.

You know when something is part of your "DNA" part of your make-up. What makes you tick. For Ralph Pacheco it has always been about, "Promoting your people... creating opportunities to advance careers, establishing the 'Pipeline,' putting a 'face' to a 'name' ... these types of encounters do not necessarily happen by themselves, it requires a facilitator who has the vision to 'create' your next opportunity, wherever and whenever that may come... Always watchful Always prayerful... Always looking out for his people. Many of the Administrators present at the Hospitality Suite at the SF Marriott back in the Winter of 1991, are now well-known distinguished Superintendents who are providing leadership on a statewide level and working collaboratively in keeping that All Important "Pipeline" open for the next generation of Educational Leaders in the state of California.

Coaching & Mentoring -- Contact Dr. Ralph Pacheco, Toll Free Business Line: 1-888-545-2008,
E-mail: profresnet@aol.com

Providing Coaching & Training for Aspiring School Administrators

It was six ago when Dr. Ralph Pacheco and Dr. Nicolas Retana were first approached by the leadership of CALSA, the California Association of Latinto Superintendents & Administrators to develop and provide a "Mock Interview" Series for Aspiring School Administrators seeking to become School Superintendents in California.

This request was part of the organizing of the 1st Annual CALSA / ACSA Summer Institute "So You Want To Be A Superintendent?"

Dr. Retana and Pacheco whose firm had been providing education consulting (State Certified External Evaluators II-USP Program [EL designation] and State Certified SAIT Intervention Team), including doing Executive Searches for school districts in California gladly agreed to participate. (Dr. Retana a Retired CA Superintendent served on the CALSA Board.)

These six years have passed quickly. Last year Dr. Pacheco collaborated with Dr. Ron Carruth (Asst. Supt. Whittier Union HSD) and Dr. Angel Gallardo (School Administrator, Pomona USD) in conducting the "Mock Interview" Panels for the 2007 CALSA / ACSA Summer Institute. It was a rousing success. The "Mock Interviews" each year for the past five years the CALSA Summer Institute has been held is a popular and integral series of break-out sessions that CALSA Mentees (encouraged by their CALSA Mentors) participate in each Summer.

Dr. Pacheco, Coach & Mentor to School Administrators across California can be reached for more information regarding the next Co-hort of particiapnts in the Training Modules and/or Private Tutorials available through his Educational Consulting Firm (Whittier, CA). E-mail: profresnet@aol.com or call Dr. Pacheco's Toll Free Business Line: 1-888-545-2008.

Candlelight Vigil -- Whittier City Parents

Whittier -

It was a warm spring night in front of the Whittier City School District office last night. Where dozens of parents and school community members gathered for a "Candlelight Vigil..."

The news cameras rolling and filming the group singing a chorus of, "We Shall Overcome!" filled the Night's air and the Soutnern California Airwaves.

Is it not appropriate for concerned parents, who are also concerned citizens -- stand together praying and singing for the preservation of their schools? While others are inside the School District building attending a regularly scheduled Board Meeting to discuss budget issues and the possibility of closing one of their elementary schools (Lincoln Elementary).

With a desparate school district facing draconian cuts in their school budget next year, (FY-08-09, starts July 1, 2008), from Sacramento -- The parents expressed their concern over the final position the Board is palnning to take on their district budget.

This of course is a case of the continuning saga of the California State Budget Crisis. Not to be settled any time soon... Keep posted on further developments... Dr. Pacheco Advisory Blog.

Monday, April 28, 2008

SOS Save Our Schools Prayer Vigil Tonight!

TONIGHT-- 7:00 P.M.!
Save Our Schools
Prayer Vigil
Good Shepherd Bible Church
All Churches & Supporters of Public Education
encoraged to participate tonight!
(Corner of Baily & Washington Ave., Uptown Whittier)
for more information call: Dr. Ralph Pacheco, 562 946 1410
[ No child care provided, children must remain with parents ]

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Anatomy of a Movement: SOS Save Our Schools ~ Whittier, CA

Whittier, CA --

It was not that long ago that a group of unsuspecting parents woke up one morning to the news that their local elementary school was at risk of "closing down permamently..." It sent sock waves through the quiet neighborhood surrounding this school -- Lincoln Elementary.

The parents were dismayed, what to do? Who do we talk to? Who is responsible for this taking place? How do we fight to keep our school open? These and many other questions entered the minds of the parents and school community that was being affected by this proposed action.

The parents began to mobilize themselves, holding meetings from house to house, reaching out to other parents in the Whittier City School District where all of this was happening. From this early discussions emerged a small core group of parent and school community persons committed to helping their parent friends at Lincoln Elementary.

A young man, a parent at Phelan Elementary School with a 9 year old boy emerged as a natural leader of the group... Gabriel Montoya, 28, an EMT, former Student Trustee at Rio Hondo College, and someone who had a background in (union) organizing and had worked in the School Bond Measure Campaign at Rio Hondo as a very young student.

Gabriel Montoya along with a core group of school community leaders formed the, "Whittier City Parents for Education." A few key players in this group; Hector Castillo, PTA President at West Whittier Elementary, Maria Lopez, a community organizer trained up through the Parent Institute at San Diego State University and been active for over 25 years, Cecila Ruiz, parent with a 19 year background with the UFW, working along side Cesar Chavez in organizing, and Jesse Ramirez, parent and professional educator, a high school teacher at Norwalk High School, his wife also in education. It is this core group who has struggled and planned the actions which have led to an outpouring of support for the "Saving of our Schools..."

Initially the heat and wrath the parents were feeling was directly at the local school board and superintendent, and to the undiscerning and informed eye this would be the logical place to look. After all the Superintendent & School Board are responsible for the running of the schools in the Whittier City School District. They ultimately will decide the fate of Lincoln Elementary. Therefore the mobilizing first took place in meeting with the School Board and District Administration. It was not an auspicious start.

The Parents and Board were immediately "at odds" with each other, each side feeling passionately about the issues. What about the issues? Was it the School Boards interest "really" about wanting to close a school? Was there some diabolical plot to "hurt children?" One could argue, "No..." The local school board found themselves, like hundreds of school districts across the state of California in a precarious position...

Here are the facts of the matter: The State Government, and independent Legislative Anaylst has predicted about a $16.5 Billion deficit for this coming fiscal year that starts, July 1, 2008. The Governor came out with his "proposed budget" in January, 2008 recommending an "Across the Board 10% budget Cut in every Department of State Government." The independent Legislative Anaylst has described the Governor's proposal as, "Short sighted and nor responsible." The Governor needs to shrpen his pencil and make recommendations on strategic cuts were they are warranted.

This State Budget crisis is what has come, flying in the faces of school districts, parents, and children. It came in the form of a "wake up call" to the parents of Lincoln Elementary in the central part of town in Whittier.

To the credit of the parent organizers, led by Gabriel Montoya, they recognize that the real "culprits" in this scenario are not necessarily the local school board and the superintendent, but the "larger" issue of the State Budget Crisis. It is like a "gathering storm" waiting to arrive in each community across this state. No district will be exempted, The budget crisis it will affect every school district, every community, every city in California regardless of being a "rich or poor" community.

In relation to Whittier City's woes, the neighboring district, El Rancho Unified, is planning the closure of not one school, but "four schools..." There in Pico Rivera (CA), the parents are talking of "recalling" all of the School Board Members for this perceived "outrage!"

Again, is it really the local school board to blame? Not entirely.

The Whittier City Parents for Education, have taken the "high road" they recognize that they need to work with their locally elected officials to send a clear message to the State Government Officials to, "Save Our Schools."

The parent's leader, Gabriel Montoya, young and strong, has aged and his strength has been challenged. He has been feelings the burden of carrying the weight of responsibility for leading a movement, a cause for his 9 year old boy, and the hundreds of thousands of children that will be affected just in the greater Los Angeles are. Long days at work (on his new job) and long hours into the night planning, strategizing, returning phone calls from multiple school groups, attending meetings every night of the week. Little sleep...Little rest... His mettle is being tested. He is a young man who relies heavily on his Faith... God he feels has to be with us, he cares about all of his children. Young Gabriel is coming to understand what it feels like at the Top... It can be a lonely place. There are so many people counting on him. Belieivng that he is the right man for the job.

He decided to reach out to those with the experience beyond his own. Gabriel bagan to call on local officials who have connections, experience, "know how" to get things done. He came to realize almost immediately from that first day he decided to reach our for assistance that not all were interested in weighing in on these issues, "Picking? Walking?, Marching?, Protesting? Rallying?" Not terms that bring "comfort and security" to elected officials and community leaders with reputations to protect...

However, Gabriel perseveres, he is understanding that some of the politicians in town do not want to go out on a limb... He gives them a pass... No hard feelings. He does not have time to feel remorse or rejection from those who do not wish to help him, "pave the lower regions... to fight for a cause that does not even affect their own family or situation..." It can be a lonely road... a pilgrimage that not many would volunteer to take. But, he presses on. Gabriel remembers someone who he met during the Rio Hondo School Bond Campaign... That's right, the School Bond Committee's Senior Advisor -- Dr. Ralph Pacheco. Say, Gabriel thinks, "Isn't he also the President of the Whittier Union High School Board? Perhaps he could help us to secure a meeting place for the parents, and maybe also provide the Whittier High School Auditorium for a SOS Community Rally... I'll call him."

As we fast forward, young Gabriel and his team of core leaders have successfully held a "Walk for Education" on April 5, 2008 with over 200 participants, covered by the Whittier Daily News and Five (5) TV News Networks, KCBS, KNBC, KTLA, KABC, and Telemundo. A SOS Save Our Schools -Southern California- Rally with a expected attendance of between 3,000 and 7,000 attendees from the entire region of Southern California scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 1:00 P.M. at the Pioneer High School Football Stadium (605 Fwy & Slauson Blvd. Off-ramp).

So, it started with an outcry of a hand full of parents from Lincoln Elementary School, which represented a "snapshot" of a bigger looming issue coming down from Sacramento... Now the Whittier City parents are strategically placed to preside over one of the proposed largest Rallys in Whittier's history.

[ Ed. note: Watch for my next blog... "SOS: Anatomy of a Movement, Part 2" ]

Saturday, April 26, 2008

SOS Save Our Schools ~ Prayer Vigil

Monday, April 28, 2008
7:00 P.M.
Good Shepherd Bible Church
(Uptown Whittier - Corner of Bailey & Washington Ave.)
"All Churches and Supporters of Public Education
encouraged to come and participate in prayer"
for further info call: Dr. Ralph Pacheco 562 946 1410
(No child care provided ~ children must stay with their parents)
Southern California
Pioneer High School
(605 Fwy at Slauson Blvd. off ramp)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
1:00 P.M.

National Day of Prayer ~ May 1, 2008 ~ Whittier, CA

Hello Ministry Friends,

May 1, 2008 @ 5:00 P.M. marks the Annual National Day of Prayer in Whittier California.
Location: Front Steps of Whittier City Hall, corner of Penn & Washington Ave., Whittier, CA

Over 25 ministries will be participating in this annual event. Be encouraged to participate in the gathering of the community wide church event.

For more information contact; Pastor Eric Padilla, RCCI Ministries at: pe-padilla@rcci.org

Seeking Your Next Professional Position

The most frequently asked question I receive from educational professionals seeking to move up the career ladder is, "How do I prepare for the interview process?"

For professional Educators, I tell them to bring to our first coaching session four (4) things:

1.) A "200 Word" paper on their "Educational Philosophy."

2.) A current "Resume."

3.) A "Profile" of the School District they currently work in. The profile is to data about their API/AYP Scores and other pertinent information abou their record of Student Achievement.

4.) A list of their "Top 5 -- Educational Authors" who have written on educational reforms that they happen to admire and wish to emulate.

To learn more about the coaching & mentoring offered by Dr. Ralph Pacheco, Education Consultants contact us at: profresnet@aol.com or call: Toll Free: 1-888-545-2008